Neil Sisler is a licensed Master Drain Layer. He is skilled in the planning, supervising and installing of drain work and is familiar with the related laws, rules and regulations. He works with the municipalities and inspectors to prepare and complete the project.

Clean Shot Environmental Services is licensed as a Sewer Drain Layer contractor. Clean Shot Environmental Services is equipped and licensed to install water and sewer services for new homes. When homeowners experience sewer backups and wet basements due to water entering from the sanitary sewers or waterlines, the homeowner is responsible to repair or replace the sewer pipe and water lines on their property. Breaks or cracks in the sewer pipes can be caused by tree roots, old pipes rupturing or hitting a sewer pipe while digging.

Clean Shot Environmental Services is licensed to repair or replace the sewer pipes on residential/private property AND connect to the public sewers. Clean Shot Environmental provides Emergency 24/7 Service.